Package eclop
- /18.07/com.eiffel/contrib/library/runtime/process/eclop
ECLOP stands for Eiffel Command Line Parser and is a small library for parsing command line options. The current release (0.1.1) should still be considered a beta release but should despite that still be useful for writing command line based programs and it is reasonably stable. Your mileage may vary. ;-)
tags: command line parser argument
Links: Subversion Subversion Documentation
copyright: 2003, Paul Cohen
license: Eiffel Forum License v2 (see
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(163366 octets -- Mon, 09 Jul 2018 11:57:41 GMT SHA1:7CDE35A1328B4B1FD54B41434E0776D42CD10BC2)
Associated URIs
iron install eclop
Fri, 07 Feb 2025 21:03:38 GMT