Results for "tag:eiffel"
Found 5 out of 100 items.
json_ext: JSON Extension 220
Convenience classes on top of the Eiffel eJSON library
Mon, 14 Oct 2019 14:13:39 GMT
ljr1981: Misc Eiffel Framework 191
A collection of useful misc Eiffel classes
Mon, 14 Oct 2019 13:55:12 GMT
framework: Misc Eiffel Framework 195
A collection of useful misc Eiffel classes
ljr1981 eiffel misc useful classes
Mon, 14 Oct 2019 13:55:56 GMT
randomizer: Randomizer 213
A collection of convenient randomizing routines for creating a variety of random things
Mon, 14 Oct 2019 14:08:51 GMT
test_extension: Test Extension 209
Bridge facilitating extension to Eiffel testing library
Mon, 14 Oct 2019 14:01:54 GMT
Found 5 out of 100 items.
Advanced search help:
Usage: "criterion:value" (note: "value" is aliased with "text:value") Criteria: [name] name:foo* - packages of short name matching "foo*" pattern [title] title:base - packages of title "base" [tag] tag:web - packages tagged "web" [description] description:"advanced usage" - packages with phrase "advanced usage" in their description [owner] owner:*Caesar - packages published by users with the user names matching "*Caesar" [downloads] downloads:10 - packages with at least 10 downloads [text] text:abc - equivalent to "name:abc or title:abc or tag:abc" Criteria can be combined with "and" (the default), "or" (aliased with prefix "+"), "not" (aliased with prefix "-"). Criteria "name", "title", "tag" and "description" supports wildcards (*,?).